Painting 1 of 30 – September 2014, 30 Paintings 30 Days Challenge
It was January 2014, I was tired, exhausted, and emotionally drained. I had just returned from visiting my father in the hospital, it pained me to see what he had been going through since September 2013. Where he was in that particular time on his health journey, had shaken me to my core… I wouldn’t wish his experiences on my worst enemy…. and that is when I had my epiphany. I realized that if I wouldn’t wish that on someone else, why then was I essentially wishing it upon myself by not taking care of myself? I KNEW that his path could easily become mine, yet I was not taking the steps necessary to alter my course in life. I had to make a change.
Please click here to learn more about the “Fat Girl Thin” art series by Amy Yosmali.
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I love the motion, colors and texture in this. Also, a great idea for a series!
Thank you, I am glad you enjoy it! I had another theme in mind initially, but when I started thinking about the “Fat Girl Thin” theme – The ideas just started to flow, and I was excited to put them to paint. This painting represents through color and movement, the shift of thought and enlightenment I experienced that inspired me to begin my journey.