My paintings from day 4 were dry and ready to scan, but the morning was riddled with technical glitches right and left. By mid day I managed to have scanned the previous days paintings and was ready to paint again. Since I know that the next two days are going to be busy, I decided to paint ahead and work on three new paintings.
I decided that I really liked having painted 2 of my daughter’s favorite things yesterday and thought that doing a third painting of something else that she loved would be nice and I could hang the set in her bedroom. Right now she is really into ballet, in particular the Nutcracker. I DVR’d a the San Francisco Ballet’s production of the Nutcracker awhile back and she loves to put on her ballet slippers and tutu and dance in front of the TV like the Sugar Plum Fairy.
With the kids down for a nap, I huddled over the kiddie table and worked on my Sugar Plum Fairy painting.
Afterwards I decided I wanted to play with a color palette I normally don’t work in, lots of autumn copper, gold, browns with deep teal. Check back to see the posts about these works in the coming days!
Neat one! Love the hint of the figure!
Thank you Della!